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trying to do simpliest things

I have just started to use GIMP as my first attempt at animation... I am using AnimStack because I can see how it would save so much time .. and I thankyou for the work you have put into it ...

After wrecking my brain for 6 hours I am almost ready to just do all 1200 layers manually ... NOT .. ;)

Your specific assist is appreciated. This is what I am trying to do ...

1. Duplicate a single layer, and have the RBG mode JPG go from 100% opacity to 1% opacity, and then have a second JPG go from 1% opacity to 100% opacity, and have the two layers combine so that there is a slow progression/fade from one to the other. (ie JPG1 @100% overlayed by JPG2 @1%).

Honestly, I can not even figure out how to have 10 duplicates of a layer be done successfully !! I either have the layer disappear entirely (TY UNDO!) or if there are other layers in the widow I get three copies of each of them ... and trying to figure out doing staged opacity with render or roll or ??! is daunting just in thought.

Your assist is greatly appreciated ... generally I can pickup on software from manuals and videos, but this time I am bewildered ...


how to do it

Well, I wouldn't call this the simplest thing, sounds pretty complex to me! It's not hard to do it with AnimStack though. You just gotta believe in yourself!

Suppose you have 2 layers: Layer1 and Layer2 that contain your initial images at full opacity. Add a transparent layer called Frame and put it above those 2 layers:


To multiply a layer n times you use a multiply tag "[*n]". So, to make, say, 20 frames, put "[*20]" on the Frame layer. To add Layer1 and Layer2 to each frame use "[bg]" tag. So, you have:

Frame [*20]
Layer1 [bg]
Layer2 [bg]

If you process this, you should have pretty much what you want, except for the opacity thing... So let's work on that. You want to create a crossfade between 2 images, so what you really need is to have the opacity of Layer1 to go from 100 to 0, while Layer2 stays at 100 opacity. (Here's a detailed explanation for how opacity works in GIMP:

If we start from 100 and start decrementing opacity by 5, we actually need 21 frames to reach 0 (100/5+1, including the starting frame). Now, how to actually do it in AnimStack. There is the opacity effect that sets layer's opacity to a certain number. But this number varies from frame to frame, so you need a variable for that, let's call it "x".

Frame [*21]
Layer1 [bg] [-;opacity:x]
Layer2 [bg]

But this won't work, because x is undefined. We need to assign a value to it. It is done using a generator tag. The inc tag looks like what we want. "[x=inc:-5:100]" will first assign x to 100, then will decrement x by 5 on each step. Another (cooler) way to write it is "[x=100+inc:-5]".

Frame [*21]
Layer1 [bg] [x=inc:-5:100] [-;opacity:x]
Layer2 [bg]

And, we are done. Change to [*101] and [x=inc:-1:100] if you want a 100-frame crossfade.

TY for the excellent info !!

That is really clear and extremely helpful ! That is so cool that the process actually has a name ... obviously part of my problem is knowing what I don't know.

I will be putting this together over the weekend ... I may even have some fun after that and make a vid.


TY for the

how to do it

Well, I wouldn't call this the simplest thing, sounds pretty complex to me! It's not hard to do it with AnimStack though. You just gotta believe in yourself!

Suppose you have 2 layers: Layer1 and Layer2 that contain your initial images at full opacity. Add a transparent layer called Frame and put it above those 2 layers:


To multiply a layer n times you use a multiply tag "[*n]". So, to make, say, 20 frames, put "[*20]" on the Frame layer. To add Layer1 and Layer2 to each frame use "[bg]" tag. So, you have:

Frame [*20]
Layer1 [bg]
Layer2 [bg]

If you process this, you should have pretty much what you want, except for the opacity thing... So let's work on that. You want to create a crossfade between 2 images, so what you really need is to have the opacity of Layer1 to go from 100 to 0, while Layer2 stays at 100 opacity. (Here's a detailed explanation for how opacity works in GIMP:

If we start from 100 and start decrementing opacity by 5, we actually need 21 frames to reach 0 (100/5+1, including the starting frame). Now, how to actually do it in AnimStack. There is the opacity effect that sets layer's opacity to a certain number. But this number varies from frame to frame, so you need a variable for that, let's call it "x".

Frame [*21]
Layer1 [bg] [-;opacity:x]
Layer2 [bg]

But this won't work, because x is undefined. We need to assign a value to it. It is done using a generator tag. The inc tag looks like what we want. "[x=inc:-5:100]" will first assign x to 100, then will decrement x by 5 on each step. Another (cooler) way to write it is "[x=100+inc:-5]".

Frame [*21]
Layer1 [bg] [x=inc:-5:100] [-;opacity:x]
Layer2 [bg]

And, we are done. Change to [*101] and [x=inc:-1:100] if you want a 100-frame crossfade.

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