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I have loaded gimp 4 times-it will not open at all

I was working on a project with my son and he wanted me to change his picture. Cool we found this. Not cool we
attempted to load it 4 times. I get the message that it was loaded. I have the icon on my desk top. When
I click on it nothing at all happens. I even attempted to remove the icon and it will not let me. I also attempted to remove the other folders in the downloaded folder area and it will not let me.. My OS is Vista.. Any help out there ???? I am not too computer savy am I missing something ?

Thanks for your help in advance.

Which version did you download?

Which version did you download? And which Vista version do you have (32 or 64 bits)?

Normally on Windows, what you download is an "installer", which is a program that sets up your computer to run the real program. Did that run?

On Vista you need to act as an administrator to install programs (I think Vista asks for passwords appropriately). To remove the icon for the program, you have to uninstall it (in the "Control Panel", see "Add/remove programs").

Due to UI issue, this place ( has very few users. You'll get more help on,;

Re: I have loaded gimp 4 times-it will not open at all

1. You downloaded Gimp 2.8.2 for windows(!) from (and not from

2. Installed it correct?? Check virtualization. That means in the program files folder there really exist a directory Gimp and in your user folder there exist a folder gimp-2.8??

3. Check if your icon on your desktop points to gimp. Right click -> properties -> target should be something like this: "C:\Program Files\GIMP 2\bin\gimp-2.8.exe".

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