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B&W Channel Mixer Settings (Film Emulation)

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patdavid-bw-film-channels v0.117.63 KB

As part of a larger series on B&W grayscale conversion in GIMP, I wrote a second script that automatically generates layers using each of the commonly defined film emulation channel mixer values...

Agfa 200X 18,41,41
Agfapan 25 25,39,36
Agfapan 100 21,40,39
Agfapan 400 20,41,39
Ilford Delta 100 21,42,37
Ilford Delta 400 22,42,36
Ilford Delta 400 Pro & 3200 31,36,33
Ilford FP4 28,41,31
Ilford HP5 23,37,40
Ilford Pan F 33,36,31
Ilford SFX 36,31,33
Ilford XP2 Super 21,42,37
Kodak Tmax 100 24,37,39
Kodak Tmax 400 27,36,37
Kodak Tri-X 25,35,40

A separate layer is created for each "film" emulation type.

If you leave the checkbox for "contact sheet" checked, a new image will be produced with a contact sheet of each of the settings all in a grid for comparison (instead of layers).

On install, the script can be called from the Colors menu:

Colors --> B&W Film Channels...

If you're interested in the full series tutorial, it can be found here:

Getting Around in GIMP: B&W Conversion

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