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descreen fourier (fft) does not work like instructed. It there a fix?


I am trying to get an fourier(fft)-descreen filter to work with my version of Gimp.
with no success, help needed please!

I run Gimp 2.6.11 on an iMac 64-bits with Mac OS X Version 10.7.5 (Lion)
I followed the instructions on:
and placed the files in the respective directories.

"Descreen" appears in the "Filters">"Enhance" drop down menu.
"Descreen" does not appear in the "Filters">"Generic" drop down menu like the Readme.txt file stated.
When I try to descreen an image I keep getting the message: "This script requires the FFT plug-in"
Does anyone know how to fix this???

It appears that a variable named "plug-in-fft-dir" is not defined in the descreen.scm script file, for I
looked in the "descreen.scm" file first 14 lines:
1 ; Descreen v1.0
2 ; Tested on Gimp v2.6.8
3 (define (script-fu-descreen image drawable sensitivity selectiongrowth despeckle middle-ratio)
4 ; This script requires the FFT plug-in which provides FFT forward and FFT inverse filter^M
5 (if (not (defined? 'plug-in-fft-dir))
6 (begin
7 ; Display an error message
8 (gimp-message "This script requires the FFT plug-in")
10 ; Abort the script
11 (quit)
12 )
13 )

Fixed by Partha Bagchi.

He recompiled GIMP 2.8.4. with the fourier filter for the Mac OS.
Find it at
Have tried the filter with good results.

Also, with his builds of GIMP (2.8.2, 2.8.4 ...) the G'MIC filter suite is already included,
hence there is no need for adding this plug-in suite to the build.
The G'MIC suggestion by "pogo" can be used as a side-by-side comparison.

Mister Bagchi was very supportive to fix the capability.


Try using G'mic

Try using G'mic,Filters>G'mic>Spectral handling>Furier transform.This plug-in gives you the best results.

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