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Export Layers to single multiple pages PDF

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This script enables export layers to a single multiple pages PDF file.
It requires "convert" executable file, therefore you have to install the ImageMagic package before using this script.

It is based on the cr33dog Export Layers as PNG plugin script.

It has been tested on the Linux Mint 14-17.1 (KDE) and Windows XP, Windows 7 with ImageMagic 6.9.1-Q16 and GIMP 2.8.10

Note for Windows users:
You need add the ImageMagic directory (which consists the 'convert.exe' executable file)
to the GIMP environment PATH variable into the file:
C:\Program Files\GIMP 2\lib\gimp\2.0\environ\default.env

like in the example here:
PATH=${gimp_installation_dir}\bin;${gimp_installation_dir}\32\bin;C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-6.9.1-Q16

Note for Linux users:
You have to change the file permission to executable.


20. 03. 2013 Version 0.5
Initial version

23. 03. 2013 Version 0.6
Added support for grouped layers (GIMP 2.8x)
Code optimization

31. 05. 2015 Version 0.7
Added the Image quality option (0-100). Lower quality value makes smaller PDF file.

The script you can download from:

GIMP Version: 
Code License: 
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