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How do I add a plugin

I really have no idea what I'm doing. I just downloaded gimp in order to use this plugin which should allow me to divide a scanned image. I just want to scan several pictures at a time and have them recognized as separate pictures. My scanner is older and does not do this automatically. I tried opening the plugin, but it asks me what application I want to use to open it. Where do I put it? I selected GIMP 2, but that jsut opens up to more and more folders. I really have no idea what I'm doing! help!

If you look in your user folder

you will see a .gimp-2.8 folder.Inside that folder is a bunch of sub folders.
If the file you downloaded is a SCM file it goes in the SCRIPTS folder.
IF your file is a EXE, or PY file it goes in the PLUGINS folder.
Restart Gimp and it should now be in your menu listing.

If the plugin is the BIMP file it goes in your PLUGINS folder.Then restart Gimp.
It is not neccesary to restart Gimp if it is a SCM file.Just go to Filters>Script-Fu>Refresh Scripts


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