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Calculate Saturation

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This plugin calculates the saturation from a picture with four different saturation algorithms:
1. (max-min)
2. (max-min) / sum
3. like HSV: (max-min) / max
4. like HSL: (max-min) / (max+min)

Build and install it with:
$ gimptool-2.0 --install elsamuko-saturation.c

You'll find it then under Colors->Components->Calc Saturation.


The resulting b/w image can be used as layer mask to filter saturation. For example the script elsamuko-naturalize below uses this plugin to give oversaturated images a more natural impression:
(cc) by Edgar Chambon 94

If you like it, hug someone.

Update1: Fixed a check if used from script
Also: Added a sample script, which uses this plugin.

For all scripts together, go here:

elsamuko-saturation.c15.1 KB
elsamuko-naturalize.scm2.91 KB
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