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Film Emulation Presets with G'MIC (Similar to VSCO)

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I have recently completed some work with the G'MIC team that I thought might be worth a post here as a heads up.

I have many film emulation presets that I've been working on for a while, and wanted to share with the GIMP community at large. The problem was finding the best way to package up these presets for everyone to use.

I started talking with the G'MIC team about it, and finally settled on packaging up the presets in G'MIC.

So, here is a just a small sample of what some of the presets look like (lowest strength setting):

Each of the different film emulations have multiple levels of strength that can be applied. Here are the same films as above, but at their highest strength setting:

The nice thing about pushing these presets out is that if you have a recent G'MIC installed, you already have access to all of these film emulation presets (just refresh your filters in G'MIC)!

The film emulations are currently broken down by type (and each type has different strengths).

Negative film stocks (Old):

  • Fuji Neopan 1600
  • Fuji Superia 100/400/800/1600
  • Ilford Delta 3200
  • Kodak Portra 160 NC/VC
  • Kodak Portra 400 NC/UC/VC

Negative film stocks (Newer):

  • Fuji 160C
  • Fuji 400H
  • Fuji 800Z
  • Ilford HP5
  • Kodak Portra 160/400/800
  • Kodak TMax 3200
  • Kodak Tri-X 400

Consumer Instant Film:

  • Polaroid PX-70
  • Polaroid PX100UV
  • Polaroid PX-680
  • Polaroid Time Zero (Expired)

Pro Instant Film:

  • Fuji FP-100c
  • Fuji FP-3000b
  • Polaroid 665
  • Polaroid 669
  • Polaroid 690

More details and examples can be found at my post about the release here: Film Emulation Presets in G'MIC (GIMP)

GIMP Version: 
Code License: 


I wish i could install this plugin for my GIMP 2.8, on my mac running Mountain Lion. I am having a great deal of trouble finding the folder to place the files into. The software suggests placing the file in a directory that does not exist. Has anyone else run into this issue while trying to plug into Gimp 2.8?

Open GIMP.
Go to Edit → Preferences.
In the left pane of that window, expand Folders.
In that list, select Plug-Ins.

In the right pane, you will now see the paths to where GIMP will look for plugins on your computer. Put G'MIC in one of those paths (or create a new one if you want).

I appreciate the words of advice. I managed to get the G'MIC plugin to run, but i am unable to update the filters to include the film emulation set. I am stuck at 398 filters. I also posted this to gimpchat.

When I first tryed to update my G'mic-Filters to get this stuff I had some problems to. I think the reason was because I had installed a 64-Bit-Version of G'mic. After installing the new 32-Bit Version of G'mic it worked.

By the way: this Film Emulation Filters are really cool. I had a lot of verry pleasing hours trying it out during the last days. I think they will be verry usefull to me in the Future.

Thanks a lot for it to the Developers!

Glad you got it worked out!

By the way: I've also had a lot of fun making these and releasing them to everyone. Just trying to keep the ball rolling. :)

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