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Insane Bump

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Update: Issues corrected, Restore Default button added added 64Bit Ubuntu Version
This is a C language version of the Insane Bump plugin. I have converted the Python code to a C language program and all the needed libraries and tools to do so. I have improved upon this program by adding an AO adjustment and 5 Preview panes. This is the Sixth release.
This plug-in produces different files within the original image's directory:
the _n is the normal map,
the _s is the specular,
the _d is the diffusion (just the color)
the _a is the ambient occlusion
the _h is the displacement (or height map)
google code url:


Tutorial url:

Windows Installation Instructions

Extract the file. It contains only one file: InsaneBump.exe and mingwm10.dll
Place the file into the Gimp User Plugin Directory.
On my machine the gimp plug-in directory is located at:
C:\Documents and Settings\Derby Russell\.gimp-2.8\plug-ins
This installation has been tested on Windows XP, Windows 7 and Windows 8. Worked great on all.
Release 6 was released on 12/7/2013
Source code for this new release is at google code.

Ubuntu 32 Bit Installation Instructions

Extract the gimp-plugin-insanebump-Ubuntu-1.0.6.tar.gz. It contains only one file: gimp-plugin-insanebump
Place the file into the Gimp User Plugin Directory.
On Ubuntu for My user which is derby:
This was designed and tested on 32 Bit Ubuntu 12.04

Ubuntu 64 Bit Installation Instructions

Extract the gimp-plugin-insanebump-Ubuntu-64Bit-1.0.6.tar.gz. It contains only one file: gimp-plugin-insanebump
Place the file into the Gimp User Plugin Directory.
On Ubuntu for My user which is derby:
This was compiled and tested on 64 Bit Ubuntu 12.04 Desktop.


AO adjustment now affects all produced images.
Works with Ubuntu 12.04 and newer.
Tested with Gimp version 2.6 and 2.8.8.

Attachments Explained

The executable InsaneBump.exe. Zipped up so it can be attached. It was compiled with MinGW very latest version. This plugin works with Gimp 2.8. Built and tested on 2.6 and 2.8.8.
I also wanted to note that this file is for Windows Operating System.
This new version give windows gimp InsaneBump the 5 preview panes too.
The mingwm10.dll is included but probably not necessary.
Source code is at google code

InsaneBump CodeLite

I am no longer attaching the CodeLite Project. The source code for Windows and Linux
is located at


The executable gimp-plugin-insanebump. Tar-ed and gzipped up so it can be attached to this web page. It was compiled with the GNU compiler on Ubuntu 12.04.

GimpLibraries for CodeLite

In order to compile with CodeLite and MinGW I needed to create some lib files from Gimp dll's.
I created a separate CodeLite Project for that. It is a non-source project. The directory names
inside the project settings will have to be changed to work on your machine. And again
this was designed from Gimp 2.6.11 source code for the def files. All at google code:
located at

Using InsaneBump

Copy this new file to your gimp user directory. On my machine it was:

Start gimp, open up your graphics base file. Then select Filters
and then Map and then InsaneBump...

Make a try at the settings in the dialog box that pops up,
click Execute. The files will be written to the hard disk as follows:

the _n is the small normal map,
the _s is the specular map,
the _d is the diffusion map (just the color),
the _a is the ambient occlusion map,
the _h is the displacement (or height map),
the _hn is the high normal map,
the _ln is the large normal map,
the _mn is the medium normal map,
the _sn is the small normal map

So say your image is called Fence.png
the program will output the following files:
and overwrite existing files in the same directory
as the Fence.png file.

Here is a screenshot of InsaneBump with default values:

Figure 1 Screen Shot

Here is a Wood Tree Scene Example:
Here is the original Wood Tree Scene image:

Figure 2 original image

Here is the ambient occlusion map produced:

Figure 3 ambient occlusion map image

Here is the diffuse color map produced:

Figure 4 diffuse color map image

Here is the specular map produced:

Figure 5 specular map image

Here is the normal map produced:

Figure 6 normal map image

GIMP Version: 
Code License: 
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