tileimages.scm -- Put n*m same sized images onto one image in n columns & m rows with optional padding, grid lines, bounding box, rounded corners and feathered edge.
If there aren't n*m images passed, the last image is repeated until n*m positions are filled.
This is useful for just passing one image, which will be tiled for all n*m positions.
If there are more images passed, only the first n*m are used.
I use this script for two main purposes: one is for putting six photos onto one with padding and grid, which I then print and cut into wallet sized photos with white border or doing the same with one image w/o padding to make passport photos. The second is for producing sheets of playing cards with rounded corners for printing and cutting for print-n-play game production, examples of which can be seen here: example output and the physical results (indeed I wrote this script to produce those cards).
Options include:
padding size
adding grid lines and/or bounding box (e.g. as cutting guides)
rounding image corners (e.g. for making playing cards whose physical corners will also be rounded)
feathering the transition between image and padding
This script is designed to be used in non-interactive batch mode. The syntax for calling as a gimp batch command is:
gimp -f -i -b '(batch-tileimages "'$fileout'" '$n' '$m' '$padding' '$gimpfilltype' '$roundedcornerradius' '$featherselectionradius' '$drawbox' '$drawgrid' '$gridlinewidth' '$dpi' '$jpgqual' "'$fileglobpattern'")' -b '(gimp-quit 0)'
Where '$xxxxx' must be replaced with an appropriate parameter, e.g.
~$ gimp -i -b '(batch-tileimages "/tmp/new.jpg" 3 4 48 1 10 10 0 1 1 600 0.98 "*.jpg")' -b '(gimp-quit 0)'
note that '*.jpg' is a file-glob of possibly many file names.
I simplify this by using a bash wrapper script tileimages (attached in zip format since files w/o extension aren't allowed). The command syntax is:
~$ tileimages fileout n m padding[px] gimp-fill-type[0(black)|1(white)] roundedcornerradius[px] featherselectionradius[px] drawbox[1|0] drawgrid[1|0] gridlinewidth[px] dpi jpeg-quality[(0..1)] image-names-glob-in-quot-marks-or-one-filename
~$ tileimages /tmp/Player_cards_hi_res 3 4 48 0 0 0 0 0 4 600 0.98 "*.jpg"
Pass 0 as a parameter for any feature you don't want, e.g. featherradius or roundedcorners.
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