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Blur border

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blur-border.scm5.27 KB

Puts 2 borders around the image. The outside border is a Gausian blur of the image itself, the inner border is a colour.

This script has 4 options:

  1. Border colour, pick the colour of the inner border.
  2. Border size, the width of the colour border.
  3. Blur amount, the amount of blur applied to the border.
  4. Blur border size, the width of the blur border

UPDATE (26 Jul 2008): The script now checks to see if the image is big enough to fit the borders.

UPDATE (27 Jul 2008): Changed the script so that it only operates on RBG images.






Code License: 
GIMP Version: 
Scripting Engine: 


Hi, Absolutely love this plugin! Thank you! I'd like to run it under batch mode and in console, how can one go about using this in batch mode under console? Help would be much appreciated. I have tried different variables, but still could not get it to work. Thank you in advance for you assistance.

Hi, all: This error message is launched when the image isn't in RGB Mode: (script-fu-blur-border 1 2 '(255 255 255) 2 60 15) Error: Procedure execution of gimp-image-add-layer failed So, is necessary to convert them before to apply this script.

I just updated the script so that it only operates on RGB images. -- Regards, Harry Phillips

Runned with default values on a 800*600 pixels image in Gimp 2.4.6 under Linux. Result was one white layer labeled (Color Layer) above the default “Background” labeled layer. There were some error messages in two window, on top of the two error messages were a window ------------------------------------------------------------------ GIMP message Plug-In 'Blur Border' left image undo in inconsistent state, closing open undo groups. ------------------------------------------------------------------ on bottom were a window ------------------------------------------------------------------ GIMP message Procedure 'gimp-rect-select' has been called with value '-100.000000' for argument 'width' (#4, type gdouble). This value is out of range. Blur Border Message Error while executing (script-fu-blur-border 1 2 '(255 255 255) 50 60 400) Error: Procedure execution of gimp-rect-select failed on invalid input arguments ------------------------------------------------------------------

The problem you experienced was that the image was too small to fit the borders. I have updated the script so that it checks the sizes. If the image is too small it tells you so instead of spitting the dummy. -- Regards, Harry Phillips
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