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Renders a barcode image - either stand-alone or in a floating selection.

Screenshots and download:

Code License: 
Scripting Engine: 
GIMP Version: 


How do I add this to GIMP?

The gimp-perl stuff seems currently unmaintaned, but the older packages still work with current gimp. Just take the latest one from an earlier release of your distribution. For debian-based distros (like ubuntu) that would be

Download, install with

dpkg -i libgimp-perl_2.0.*.deb

Then throw the (unpacked) plugin into $HOME/.gimp-x.y/plug-ins/ or /usr/lib/gimp/x.y/plug-ins/, chmod a+x it, start gimp and click Xtns/Render/Barcode or Filters/Render/Barcode...

To unpack it, you also need the p7zip package.


I use the barcode program in Linux as a stand-alone via terminal. The usage for this program is covered in some detail, but requires an understanding of using the print functions.

You can find some usage information on barcode here:

If you're using Linux, you can install an old stable version of libgimp-perl and drop the perl script into the plug-ins folder. It will throw errors, but still work. Barcode will be found in Filters - Render - Barcode.

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