Applies Gaussian blurs using different radii for different parts of the image, according to a map.
How to install:
- Right-click on the link below that says "blurmap.scm". A pop-up menu should appear. Click "Save Target As..." or "Save Link As..." or whatever the equivalent option in your browser is.
- Save the file "blurmap.scm" in your scripts folder. If you're not sure where your scripts folder is, you can check by opening GIMP and going to <Toolbox>/File/Preferences -> Folders -> Scripts. If more than one folder is shown, then any one of them will work.
- Once you have saved the file in your scripts folder, if you are already running GIMP, either click <Toolbox>/Xtns/Script-Fu/Refresh Scripts, or just close and reopen GIMP.
- If you have done this correctly, the script will appear in the menu under <Image>/Script-Fu/Blur Map... If this menu item is not there, try clicking <Toolbox>/Xtns/Script-Fu/Refresh Scripts. If it's still not there, make sure the file is in your scripts folder and that the filename ends with ".scm", not ".txt" or ".scm.txt" or something.