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Flip Cells - picture filter

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flipcells_0806241812.py1.1 KB

Posting this picture filter here specially because it's very rare and difficult to find picture filters made as plug-in for Gimp coded in Python - publishing this would be also for encouraging people on enrich Gimp with good filters (better than mine one, please! :-D )

The only problems of this filter is it seems to be somehow slow (even having a simple code), wich takes 20 seconds with a 320x200 picture - it's also missing undo and progress bar while running...

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i wanted to go further with filter development with Gimp-Python, but i got stuck with arrays, which lacks me on converting to Gimp-Python some picture converters i coded on sdlBasic - if people can help me, please do - this filter can be considered as template for more interesting picture filters people may code! ;-)

Heya, Could you please provide description of what the filter/script does? :-)

Hi Prokoudine! posted more python picture filters here in! :-) About your question, cholfatyarh answered fine! :-) - in next versions i'm thinking on making it more flexible, like from a GUI defining the size of the cells, and maybe offsets as well... (but i'm still very newbie on this python-gimp script coding)

As far as I can see from the source this script should swap the pixels of an image on a 8x8 tile basis. Alas, the script has a little bug: y1 loop should also be range (0, 4, 1) in order to give the correct result ;-)

well, i thought about it too - i think there's no bug because you just need to access 32 of the 64 pixels for swapping them, since in the loop you can see both pixels being reading and writing - if you see, the result is as fine as supposed
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