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Abr Brush Loader Binaries for Microsoft Windows

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Windows binaries for the Abr brush loader plug-in by
Eric Lamarque.

abr-1.0.zip36.67 KB
GIMP Version: 
Code License: 


and what is its use ? what is supposed to do? Gimp may read most abr brush without converting first , to load is just needed to add them to a brush folder so.. ... this offer option to convert more kinds of ABR or a way to organize them in category that may be loaded indipendently or what ?

Hello, this plug-in loads PS brushes in separate layers. See its own description at . It could be useful to convert brushes to other formats. Note that it can not create nor save abr files. Anyway, this plug-in is the reference implementation for the abr brush loader in Gimp. Eric.

I'm the wrong person to ask this, I've just built the binary and will probably never use it myself :)
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