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National Geographic Script

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This script simulates a high quality (portrait) photo like these from the National Geographic.
Copy it into the scripts folder from GIMP, you will find it then under Filters -> Generic -> National Geographic.
Thanks to Martin Egger for the shadow revovery and the sharpen script, which I included in the script.


Update1: Added local contrast option.
Update2: Optional inverted layer mask for brighter skin types.
Update3: Added a batch version of this script, run it with
gimp -i -b '(elsamuko-national-geographic-batch "picture.jpg" 60 1 60 25 0.4 1 0)' -b '(gimp-quit 0)'
or for more than one picture
gimp -i -b '(elsamuko-national-geographic-batch "*.jpg" 60 1 60 25 0.4 1 0)' -b '(gimp-quit 0)'
Be careful, the batch script overwrites the original image. More info here:
Update4: Fix for the batch script, it merges now all layers before saving.
Update5: Extensive internal fixes. Better defaults. And all edits are executed on extra layers.
Update6: Batch script also updated.
Update7: Two tinting options, red and blue.

For all scripts together, go here:

Code License: 
Scripting Engine: 
GIMP Version: 


wonderful script ty :)

Thanks so much for writing and sharing this plugin. I really like it and use it often!

Thank you for this interesting script.
I'd like to know how you do this. Especially, how you can sharpen the foreground and blur the background.

Thank you.


Thank you 4 this script. It works very well and is faster to use than similar effects from GMIC plugin pack.

Had this Script-fu for a little while now and didn't realize all the enhancements since then. Very nice Script for what it does. I am a big fan of the NG classic look and it does a great job of mimicking that look. :)

Thanks a lot to Samuel for help with modification of the script to fit personal needs.
Thanks a lot

Hi there.
I love this script and i use it much. That is why i have try to chenge preset layer opacities for the 3 generated layers ...
I was able to preset the opacity values for "Overlay 2" and "Screen" layers, but i am not able to preset an opacity value different as 100 for the "Overlay" layer.
Can someone, please, tell me where and how to change that?
Thanks in advance.

Thank you elsamuko for such an amazing script. It makes me laugh with delight.


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