Anasta Poeloengan

Student number: s3849552

Personal Information

Both my parents were born and raised in Indonesia however I was born and raised in Australia making me first generation Australian. I speak a little bit of Indonesian and a bit more German however I am far from fluent in either. My hobbies include skating, playing video games, watching and playing various sports and watching movies and anime. It interests me as it is something I use everyday and as such I would like to learn more about it. I have been interested in IT since year 11 where I did some coding in my computing class. I found creating and making my own programs interesting and intriguing and as such decided to continue this curiosity in University. I also thought that the job security along with the pay that comes with the IT industry would be good for my future

Group Process

I believe we worked well together. We completed the work, communicated well and still had fun. No changes were made except deciding on putting our work together earlier as to allow the group more time to make and adjustments and changes.