Bryce Thomas

The Commies is a hard-working group that manage to focus and get the work done when needed. We consistently communicated with one another through our Teams chat to make sure our allocated tasks of the assignment were being completed. The motivation each of us have putting effort into our work influences the group to try their best. Besides our group being focused on the work, we managed to make this semester enjoyable and entertaining with many jokes and laughs. Overall this group has been a pleasure and a delight to collaborate with.

Benjamin Vo

Overall, I think my team during the whole semester has been fun and enjoyable to do work with. Probably would set my ideal teamwork groups in the future. We all have members in our team that were comfortable talking to each other on and off topic. Everyone was clear about the part they needed to do, and did not slack on any part at all. During the first team meeting, we bounced off ideas about potential projects we could do, which really displayed our teamwork and initiative, then we all individually discussed choosing the parts we needed to do and the next meeting discussed generally about our progress.

Milan Anto Thomas

One of the enjoyable and strongest thing about the comrades the ability to banter and have small talks but still get on track on what we should do. Eventhough there was some doubts on our group on should we change our project however we managed to pull it back together and still work on our VR SWAT and allocating ourself on what to do. I was surprised on how we can get things done remotly such as meetings and doing thw actual work. From the group I have learned that sometimes you have to work with other and sometimes take some action to organise some parts of the assignment.

Anasta Poeloengan

Overall, the group worked well as a team. While we were all active in communicating and talking about the assignment and making sure things were done however, in calls we could have been a bit more focused. Also due to the current circumstances, not being able to see each other did make things seem a bit more unorganised and confusing. This made it a bit harder to work as a group however this is less about us as a group and more about the circumstances. Something that surprised me is despite the circumstances we managed to do all the work, all to the best of our abilities and it was enjoyable all the way through. I do think things would have been better both work quality and enjoyability had we been able to see each other in person but as a whole it was fun. I learned that working in a group you not only have to do your task as best you can but you have to trust others to the work as best they can especially since working together is more difficult.

Julian Milan Szabo

In review of this assignment, I believe all commies group members were able to work extremely well together as we were instantly able to communicate with one another and we were also able to rely on one another to complete set tasks and meet most deadlines determined by the group by the group. In the last assignment, something we did not have was an updated list of task that are assigned to each member and this was implemented in this assignment which made it easier to keep track of who is doing what. From this group task I have learnt that groups can be effective if everyone puts in an effort to complete their tasks as in previous groups I have worked in there is often someone letting the group down by not doing what they are asked however this was not the case with the commies and the longer we work together the better we become as a group.

Nipun Yasas Herath Mudiyanselage

The Commies are a group that is capable of completing our work with exceptional quality. The group was able to split the work amongst us taking in to account the strengths of each team member. The constant contact between the team allowed us to efficiently work together as it allowed the team to make sure that each team member is on track and completing work without running into any issues. IF team members were stuck on certain parts of the tasks, we were able to help each other complete these tasks. The meetings conducted were enjoyable as we would focus on work, but we did also crack jokes to stop ourselves from getting bored. I truly believe the Commies used our time in the most effective way possible to make sure that all of us were completing our work in time as well as be of high quality. Especially during conference calls, we made sure we did not get out track and focusing mainly on the work. From the last assignment we learned that we should improve our communication. Therefor we have managed to conduct more conference calls as well as continue to connect through teams as that is what we are most comfortable with. I believe that the commies have improved massively from the last assignment.
