
Github Repository

Milan Anto Thomas

My main role for the group was to make an html page and put all the information inside it and try to make it pleaseable. I very much enjoyed doing as I enjoy coding especially website and i have some former knowledge and W3Schools have helped me a lot in doing this website for the team. If I had more time, I would have incorporated javascripts in to the website. As a group we did not need to use the Github Repository as i worked most of the html, and more towards the i found it hard that if you make a little mistake in the files, you had to delete and upload it again, it goes same with AWS as well, but i get why. I did most of codes in Visula Studio Code, which is pretty easy to use.

Websites Used

Benjamin Vo

I believe the audit logs of github don't really reflect on our team efforts as we mainly did all of our work on google docs and mainly microsoft teams t o put/get work together. The handling of the work was given to our 2 main team members who would upload it and we’d give/provide any more updates on tasks that needed to be done. To conclude, the microsoft team chat is more reflective of our efforts than github

Websites Used

Julian Milan Szabo

The use of Github and Microsoft Teams allowed for an easy way to communicate and transfer work to one another. Although initially there were some challenges as these programs were new to me, Github and Microsoft teams became easy to use and keep track of all our work.

Websites Used