What does it do?

The features for this simulation will provide, as mentioned previously, an all urban environment scenario to heavily relate to the needs of special law enforcement such as various SWAT entries methods and providing various building layouts. For example, the instructor is able to change the scenario to a hostage or robbery situation and choose a specific urban environment such as a plane or a bank, fitting the needs of the specialists in training.

What is the state of the art of this new technology

VR communication equipment consists of realistic militarised helmets that are attached with a VR headset, headphones and a microphone that would provide effective communication to personnel from negotiators, rifleman or entry team. SWAT personnel using the VR would be equipped with VR military weapons closely designed in weight and size to the real-weapons and a VR haptic feedback suit to monitor other aspects of current states such as heart rate.

To breach doors quickly equipment would also include VR life like battering rams, shotguns with breaching rounds, or explosive charges to simulate a break in lock or hinges, doors, walls or windows for entry. All of these VR devices are connected wirelessly to the home system (PC) where the instructor is able to monitor and listen to all personnel callouts and their physical state (heart rate). The instructor is able to use a mic to communicate to every personnel for feedback or positioning, especially for those in an entry role of the SWAT team.

What can be done now?

Within the VR industry, it's commercially seen being used through the usage of a headset produced by major tech companies, (facebook, valve, microsoft) where it’s able to simulate various environments. Widely seen in the gaming community, its also adapted in other industries such as Military, sport and education where users are able to interact with the simulated environment

What is likely to be done soon (say in the next 3 years)?

So far, a main hindrance to VR in relation to “Real life” is the graphics, though it is immersive, it’s still clearly not the real thing. As VR further develops, the future of VR is the improvement of graphics to create an even more surreal reality, bringing it closer and closer to real life.

What technological or other developments make this possible?

VR’s requirements are dependent on computer specifications. For most commercial VR products, say HTC Vive, there are certain PC specifications that are needed for it to function. For a complex and sophisticated VR system such as using it within healthcare, It would require a more built system, especially for virtual surgery .

What is the likely impact?

What is the potential impact of this development?

The impact of using this type of technology is the increase of skill and safety for many law enforcement specialists and the public. These skills can be applied to real life situations and efficiently get any operation done. Regarding the public, if any situation was to occur, (hostage situation, robberies, riot control), specialists are able to do their job in an efficient manner to minimise any sort of casualties.

What is likely to change?

This potentially would change the dynamic of training for all law enforcement agencies globally in minimising potential threats. Police training centres would implement multiple large rooms with the VR simulation for many recruits to train for team communication, weaponry training and scenario training. These spacious rooms could also be implemented in police departments for refining existing special forces skills without needing to travel far distances to refining.

Which people will be most affected and how?

This implementation is targeted towards recruits in training and existing law personnel to refine their skill sets in a “Real life” scenario. This also indirectly affects society as a refined skill means a safer society if anything terrible was to occur.

Will this create, replace or make redundant any current jobs or technologies?

The implementation of VR technology within law enforcement will likely create more jobs as many departments and training centres will need consistent IT personnel in maintaining and upgrading the system if needed.

How will this affect you?

This project wouldn’t necessarily affect any of us within this group directly, because the usage of technology would be exclusively towards law enforcements. To an extreme extent, if we were in a hostage like situation, we can ensure our likelihood of safety due to the law enforcement’s training from the VR project.