Julian Milan Szabo

Personal Information

My name is Julian Milan Szabo, I am a first year student at RMIT after completing high school at Emmanuel College. My whole family is Croatian and as a result this is the language primarily spoken at home. A big part of Croatian culture is football so I follow my teams Hajduk Split and Bayern Munich religiously as well as play outdoor football for Melbourne Knights Football Club and indoor football for the RMIT Futsal Club, I also have a dog called Ginger who is half Jack Russel and half Pomeranian. An interesting fact about me is that I am the only left handed and left footed person in my family. I am interested in multiple areas of the IT industry however the main area which I am fascinated by is the field of cybersecurity. My interest in IT, I believe, has always been there as my dad has been working with computers since before I was born so it was only a matter of time before I gravitated towards developing an interest in IT. Watching Mr Robot further increased my interest in the field of Cyber Security as I was intrigued by the way people were able to gain unauthorised access to networks and computer systems and as a result I want to make sure this doesn't happen for the wrong reasons.

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