Milan Anto Thomas

Student Number: s3769907

Personal Information

I hail from a South-Indian culture, i have lived in 4 countries Which Include Saudi Arabia, India, Northern Ireland and finally Australia. My favourite sport is Basketball, I love playing the sport. I have done the majority of the studying in Australia, completing Year 12 in 2017. I speak 2 languages including English and my native language Malayalam both fluently. I Love playing Video games in my spare time. I also love volunteering and love coordinating events. I have always loved technology and how it worked whether it is through hardware or software, in which it drew me to pursue an IT career, to be able to create something awesome and helpful to society. I have done an Associate Degree and enjoyed it very much and I wanted to go forward through theory and to learn more and when I saw an option to go to Bachelors, I took it. I chose RMIT as my uni is because i heard it is a great uni for technology study in Victoria and it's only one train ride to the City. I expect to learn more about the IT field, ethics and coding more.

Group Process

The comrades have worked great on assignment 2. Although a little bit of frantic at the end we managed to pull it through. We didn't introduce new chnages on how we worked. Each person gets two item to do for assignment and we assigned a day on when to complete it. we are doing the same plan to this assesment as we think it works best for