Nipun Yasas Herath Mudiyanselage

Student Number: s3839956

Personal Information

I finished year 12 in 2019 and am currently in my first year at RMIT enrolled in the Bachelor of IT. I enjoy playing video games and I almost always spend time on either Netflix or YouTube before going to sleep. Rugby is my favorite sport but I haven’t watched any matches in a long time. My interest in IT first began after seeing a documentary about Google headquarters on the discovery channel. As a young child, I was drawn towards the working environment and the easy-going nature of Googleplex. After having the opportunity to talk to some family friends that have been working in the IT industry I have grown an interest in cybersecurity. An interest that is also fuelled by my childhood dream to one day be an employee at Google. I have been lucky enough to be employed by the NCR corporation as an agent to work on a project to remotely update the software of some of their customers. I have been enjoying this great opportunity and believe I will gain experience that'll help me when getting employed in the future.

Group Process

I believe that the Commies are a group that works very well together. We can complete our work without getting bored. We are able to communicate with the team fluently and are able to agree on ideas and most importantly are great completing each other’s delegated tasks