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One Care Medical Clinic is web based application which covers aspects of management and operations of clinics. This website covers features of Doctors Details, Patients Records, Online appointments, Patient reports, billings, Clinical tests,etc.
The project supports to administrator to access complete application, Patient takes appointment through Online, Doctors manages patient reports,the system approves patient's appointment and makes bill, and medical Store Administrator can view suggested prescription.

Doctors will also use the system to keep track of the patients consulting to them.The intentions of the system are to reduce over-time pay and increase the number of patients that can be treated accurately.


-Useful for General Practitioners, Surgeons, Gynecologist, Small to big hospital, Nursing homes, and all Physicians

-Generate Prescriptions in less than 60 seconds.

-Easy to use patient visit details.

-Billing and account manager for your accounting needs.

-Detailed demographical and clinical data analysis.

-Built in backup and restore facilities