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The hospital boasts of highly skilled team of doctors who use latest technologies to perform endoscopic nasal surgeries, skull base surgeries, ear and cochlear implant.

Treatment of ear, nose and throat conditions in adults and children, along with problems in hearing and deafness, ringing in the ears, cancers of the ENT are treated.

The hospital makes sure to use the latest technologies in this field and keeps updating their team for the same.

The ears
The unique domain of otolaryngologists is the treatment of ear disorders. They are trained in both the medical and surgical treatment of hearing loss, ear infections, balance disorders, ear noise (tinnitus), and some cranial nerve disorders. Otolaryngologists also manage congenital (birth) disorders of the outer and inner ear.

The nose
Care of the nasal cavity and sinuses is one of the primary skills of otolaryngologists. Problems in the nasal area include allergies, smell disorders, polyps, and nasal obstruction due to a deviated septum.

The throat
Communicating (speech and singing) and eating a meal all involve this vital area. Specific to otolaryngologists is expertise in managing diseases of the throat, larynx (voice box), and the upper aero-digestive tract or esophagus, including voice and swallowing disorders.