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Emergency Services

What is an emergency?

A sudden, unexpected, acute medical condition or the worsening of a condition that poses a threat to life, limb or sight and requires immediate treatment. Our emergency Medicine serves patients with serious injuries or illnesses. Patients needing urgent or emergency care are seen immediately.

What should I do in an emergency?

Call 911 or immediately go to the nearest emergency department if: you believe that an illness or injury is life threatening, or if you experience any of the symptoms below: Emergency symptoms:

-Bleeding that won't stop.
-Vomiting or coughing blood, or passing black stools.
-Severe pain in the chest, upper abdomen or down the arm.
-Heart stops beating or pulse is very faint.
-Difficult breathing or the presence of blue lips, face or nail beds.
-Severe headache such as with nausea, vomiting, fever or dizziness.
-Injuries from trauma such as from a fall or auto accident.
-Suicidal or homicidal feelings.
-Extensive burns, especially where skin is white or charred.
-Eye injuries such as from acids or other strong solutions.
-Seizures or convulsion that does not stop.
-Insect stings when the patient is known to have allergic reactions.
-Suspected poisoning.
-Numbness or paralysis on a part of the body.
-Fever of 103 degrees F or higher.
-Consciousness is altered or affected.