Big Band Slam

Each year we invite high schools from across the Greater Toronto Area to duke it out during The Big Band Slam - an afternoon of trumpet blasting, trombone sliding, sax squealing excitement - during the TD Toronto Jazz Festival. This is not a competition – no marks will be given or awards assigned – but is instead a chance to showcase some of the outstanding music being made by high school music students across the city.

For the 2014 Slam, we're pleased to have Mark Promane acting as guest artist and moderator. Mark will rehearse and perform with each ensemble, and host the Slam on the day of the event. The bands participating in the 2014 Slam are:

  • The Martingrove Collegiate jazz ensemble, under the direction of Mike Davies
  • The TCDSB Big Band, under the direction of Sacha Richardson
  • The Woodlands School jazz ensemble, under the direction of Sean Mootrey
  • The York Mills C.I. jazz ensemble, under the direction of Bob Gray

The 2014 Big Band Slam takes place on Thursday June 26, 2-5 pm at The Rex Hotel. The Big Band Slam is a free, all-ages event, and is generously supported by the Ken Page Memorial Trust.

For more information, visit the Big Band Slam concert page.