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RegularRules handles much of the campaign trickery. It coordinates with RegularGRI to know what maps are controlled by whom and then uses HandleRestartGame to provide the results of the winner's voting. For some projects, this is also where I would hold campaign rules like research or artifact hunting.

As normal, this class would also be responsible for setting game level rules. An example here is NetDamage, which gives the pawn their "armor" for their chosen class.

UT2004 :: GameRules >> RegularRules
class RegularRules extends GameRules

var config string LastMapName;
var bool bCampaignWon;

var string ChosenMaps;

// Here we're going to try and trick the server into going to the right map for campaign mode
function bool HandleRestartGame()
    local String MapName;

 Level.Game.bGameRestarted = true;

    if(RegularGame(Level.Game).bCampaignGame) {
    if(RegularGame(Level.Game) != none && !RegularGame(Level.Game).bGameVoted) {return false;}  //allow voting

    // these server travels should all be relative to the current URL
    if ( Level.Game.bChangeLevels && !Level.Game.bAlreadyChanged )
     MapName = GetWinningMap();

                    if (MapName == "") { MapName = RegularGame(Level.Game).CheckEndCampaign(); }
        Level.Game.bAlreadyChanged = true;
        LastMapName = MapName;
        LOG("Travelling to "$MapName);
     Level.ServerTravel(MapName$"?game=RegularEngine.RegularGame", false );
    } else {        // end normally

            LOG("Getting next map");

    if ( (NextGameRules != None) && NextGameRules.HandleRestartGame() )       // try to allow other mutators
        return true;
    return false;

function CastVote(string MapName) {
 ChosenMaps = ChosenMaps$"|"$MapName;
// LOG("Chosen Maps is "$ChosenMaps);

function string GetWinningMap() {
 local int x,y,z;
 local int MostVotes;
 local string WinningMap;
 local Array<string> MapNames;

    MostVotes = 0;

//  LOG("Finding Winning Map");

 for(x=1;x<MapNames.Length;x++) {
                    for(y=0;y<MapNames.Length;y++) {
         if(MapNames[y] ~= MapNames[x]) {z++;}
                    //              LOG("Found Vote");
                    if(z > MostVotes) {
                       MostVotes = z;
                       WinningMap = MapNames[x];

    if (WinningMap == "") { WinningMap = ChoseNextMap();}

 return WinningMap;

function string ChoseNextMap() {
        local int TeamIndex,i;

        TeamIndex = RegularGame(Level.Game).FinalWinner.Team.TeamIndex;

        for(i=0;i<RegularGRI(Level.Game.GameReplicationInfo).MaxMapNumber;i++) {
            if(RegularGRI(Level.Game.GameReplicationInfo).TeamAMaps[i].TeamIndex != TeamIndex) {
               return RegularGRI(Level.Game.GameReplicationInfo).TeamAMaps[i].MapName;

            if(RegularGRI(Level.Game.GameReplicationInfo).TeamBMaps[i].TeamIndex != TeamIndex) {
               return RegularGRI(Level.Game.GameReplicationInfo).TeamBMaps[i].MapName;


function int NetDamage( int OriginalDamage, int Damage, pawn injured, pawn instigatedBy, vector HitLocation, out vector Momentum, class<DamageType> DamageType )
    if ( NextGameRules != None )
        Damage = NextGameRules.NetDamage( OriginalDamage,Damage,injured,instigatedBy,HitLocation,Momentum,DamageType );
    if ( RegularPawn(injured) != None )
        Damage *= RegularPawn(injured).ReceivedDamageScaling;
    return Damage;

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