11 Year Old Dies After Rotting Away in a Closet for Three Years

Sunday, October 29, 5:00 P.M


The Los Angelan mom, Veronica Aguilar, forced her 11-year-old son, Yonatan, into a closet and fed him sleep drugs for three years. The closets were so small that he couldn't even extend his legs. He was constantly on the sleep drugs, and even Veronica's husband went to buy some drugs, but he never wondered why he had to buy so much. She even bought the drugs when they were running out of money.

How did no one notice? Veronica explained that her son had gone to Mexico to study. Even Veronica's husband Pizon didn't know about the evil incident, and he lived in the same house.

Veronica's other children knew about Yonatan, but their mother made it forbidden, to tell the truth about him.

Yonatan's truth was eventually figured out, but it was too late. Veronica disclosed that Yonatan died, and pulled him out of the closet. Pizon immediately called the police. Pizon was the closest to Yonatan, and always had a photo of him in his wallet.

Yonatan only weighed 34 pounds, about 45 pounds from the healthy weight of an 11-year-old, 80 pounds.

Back in 2012, when he was last seen, his teachers wrote reports of him constantly hungry and a black eye.

She faces 15 years to life in jail. Obviously, I haven't been to jail, and I'm not familiar with the hardships in jail, but Veronica does not deserve 15 years in jail. She deserves a life sentence without parole. I've said this before, but the current jail system is very costly for the government. Why should people who commit crimes waste even more of our tax money? Instead of increasing our debt, prisoners should work to pay it off and work jobs for free, while paying all salary to the government. Of course, in an only prisoner workplace.

Source (NY Daily News)