Sunday, November 6, 5:35 P.M


Todd Christopher Kohlhepp, a California real estate agent, was arrested on account of chaining a woman inside a storage container and leaving her there for two months.

The woman, Kala Brown, 30 had only been found this Thursday and screamed when official neared the box.

She had been missing since August 31 and leads led the police to Kohlhepp's property.

Police have also found a gunshot body in a recently dug grave on Friday.

Kohlhepp also came clean and confessed to a murder thirteen years ago along with the locations of two other bodies on the property.

His childhood was quite violent.

His parents divorced when he was a baby.

As a 15-year-old, he also held a 14-year-old at gunpoint and raped her. When he was convicted, he tried to shoot himself, but the gun jammed.

You really shouldn't make babies if you don't have a stable relationship with your spouse or this could happen.

Source (Washington Post)