Port Authority Recieves Hefty $7 Million Lawsuit

Thursday, November 10, 9:00 P.M


A veteran, James Dasbach molested three women at Humane Society clinic died, and then his body lay unclaimed in the morgue for months. His ex-wife and children sued the morgue, Port Authority for $7 million because they didn't notify them. Reasons? The delay caused great emotional pain for the family, and it didn't allow them to prepare a burial.

$7 million is a lot of money. Companies don't have enough money to just give large heaps of money for these unreasonable requests. I would deem $100,000 enough compensation.

A year before, his family notified the police he was suicidal, and then Dasbach jumped into the East River.

The body was taken to the morgue and had an autopsy taken. The body was then confirmed to be James Dasbach's, but nobody called the family. What? There must have been some confusion.

Dasbach's daughters were anxious about their missing father until the morgue finally told them.

Source (NY Daily News)