Woman Pushes Train Passenger in Front of Train

Tuesday, November 8, 5:30 P.M

"A depiction of a Los Angeles train. (not actual killer train)"

A woman who pushed a train passenger into the path of a train seemed annoyed when she was arrested for murder. Hmm? Did you kill someone? You're arrested. Surprise!

The guilty, Melanie Liverpool, pushed Connie Watton, into the path of a train while Matthew Thiman witnessed the event.

At the prosecution, she even protested, stating that she "didn't admit to nothing." She claimed "not guilty" even with witnesses.

She had signs of violence. A month ago, she claimed to have pushed another woman off a platform, and she had schizophrenic signs.

She says that she hears voices from her head and the TV which tell her to push people off platforms.

Like all stories, the neighbors are in disbelief as Liverpool was a "very nice person".

Watton was a Filipino immigrant who worked for a billionaire as a maid.

We really should have tighter monitoring on the mentally ill.

Source (NY Daily News)