Gun Control Advocate Charges Through Los Angeles Airport

Monday, November 7, 7:35 P.M

"pew pew ow"

Three years ago, a gunman, Paul Ciancia, 26 killed a security officer and injured three other people at Los Angeles Airport. Today he was sentenced to 60 years plus a life sentence.

He got the life sentence for killing the officer, but then he received the 60 years because he showed no pain or guilt for the incident for the officer he shot, Gerardo I. Hernandez.

The three injured were TSA officers, Tony Grigsby and James Speer, and tourist Brian Ludmer.

Before, in 2012 he had suicidal thoughts, but then gun control issues became controversial, and he advocated for it. Instead of killing himself, he instead knew he was going to arm himself against the U.S. government.

Still, no one realized his point. His point was to strike fear into people about what would happen if we didn't control guns and the TSA system. He was strongly against it and how it "treated every American as a terrorist." He legally obtained a gun even with his mental illness warnings.

We really should control gun supply or something much dangerous than this example could follow.

Source (CBS News)