Week 1/23: Crashes and Money Laundering

Janurary 29th, 2017

subway by Tim Knopf / CC BY 2.0

Hi guys! Happy Lunar New Year! Even though it's just an arbitrary number.

Well here's the news.

1/23: Cab Driver Crashes into Elderly

Today a taxi driver critically injured an elderly woman after crashing into her and lost his license.

The elderly woman was hit by Robert Franck, 39, around 6:30 P.M and had head trauma.

Franck was arrested because he failed to yield and exercise caution.

Drive safely kids.

1/24: $20 Million Found in Brazilian Man’s Apartment

$20 million was found in a Brazilian’s man bed spring in his Massachusetts apartment.

Authorities have held 28-year-old Cleber Rene Rizerio Rocha without bail on his money laundering.

The money was used in an international pyramid scheme.

Rocha was supposed to transfer the money to Brazil from Hong Kong through Telex Free.

The cash was found because officials followed him from New York.

Pyramid schemes steal money from from unsuspecting people, and that kinda sucks.

Don’t participate in multi-million dollar money laundering schemes kids.

1/26: Man Pushed into Subway Path and Suffers Leg Injury

Two men fought while waiting for their D train around 6:45 and ended with one of them, Luis Henriquiz sustaining a leg injury.

The assailant, who was a ticket jumper, fought Henriquiz and pushed him into the path of a subway.

Henriquiz got his body out of the way, but one of his legs was trapped and was hit.

Use words, not actions kids.

Remember to click the title of each section to find the source.