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Added in API level 24


public static interface AccessibilityService.MagnificationController.OnMagnificationChangedListener


Listener for changes in the state of magnification.


Public methods

abstract void onMagnificationChanged(AccessibilityService.MagnificationController controller, Region region, float scale, float centerX, float centerY)

Called when the magnified region, scale, or center changes.

Public methods


Added in API level 24
void onMagnificationChanged (AccessibilityService.MagnificationController controller, 
                Region region, 
                float scale, 
                float centerX, 
                float centerY)

Called when the magnified region, scale, or center changes.

controller AccessibilityService.MagnificationController: the magnification controller
region Region: the magnification region
scale float: the new scale
centerX float: the new X coordinate, in unscaled coordinates, around which magnification is focused
centerY float: the new Y coordinate, in unscaled coordinates, around which magnification is focused
