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Added in API level 18


public static interface MediaDrm.OnEventListener

Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a drm event occurs


Public methods

abstract void onEvent(MediaDrm md, byte[] sessionId, int event, int extra, byte[] data)

Called when an event occurs that requires the app to be notified

Public methods


Added in API level 18
void onEvent (MediaDrm md, 
                byte[] sessionId, 
                int event, 
                int extra, 
                byte[] data)

Called when an event occurs that requires the app to be notified

md MediaDrm: the MediaDrm object on which the event occurred
sessionId byte: the DRM session ID on which the event occurred, or null if there is no session ID associated with the event.
event int: indicates the event type
extra int: an secondary error code
data byte: optional byte array of data that may be associated with the event
