# Basics of computing - Hexadecimal - Colors - Image - Portable PixMap (1988-) - [Examples](basics/examples) - Portable PixMap 1/2 - Portable PixMap 2/2 --- # Charsets and encodings - ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange (1967) - printable ASCII - complete - Code Pages - IBM PC cp437 - Icelandic cp861, Denmark/Norway cp865, Greek cp737 Windows-1252 - Central European cp852, KOI8-R - EBCDIC: Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code (1964) - APL: A Programming Language - EBCDIC CodePage 293 (1966) - PETSCII - PET Standard Code of Information Interchange / CBM ASCII (1977-) --- # File formats Containers: - IFF: EA Interchange File Format (1985) - RIFF: Resource Interchange File Format (1991) - CFBF/CDFv2: Compound file binary format / Composite Document file v2 (DOCFILE / D0CF11E) (1997-2004) - EBML: Extensible Binary Meta Language (2002) - ISOBMFF: ISO Base Media File Format (2004?) ## Executables - ELF - Executable and linkable format ### Microsoft - Com (Dos [transient] commands) - Exe - MZ executable [DOS] (1981-) - EXE - EXE (PE Dos Stub) - Pif - Program information File (Windows 1-, 1985-) - NE - New Executable (Windows 1-2000, 1985-2000) - LE - Linear Executable (DOS, 1992) - PE - Portable executable (Windows NT 3.1-, 1993-) ### Apple - Rsrc - Resource fork (Mac System 1-, 1984) - Pef - Preferred Executable Format (Mac System 7-9 , 1991-1999) - Macho - Mach Object (NeXTSTEP, MacOS, iOS) - (Little 32b) - (Little 64b) - (Big 32b PowerPC) - (Big 64b PowerPC) - Fat/Universal Mach-o ### Others - Class - Java / JVM (1994) - DEX - Dalvik Executable [Android] (2008?) - PYC - Compiled python (1998-) - Swf - ShockWave Flash / Small web file (1995?) - Dol - Nintendo Dolphin (Gamecube, Wii, 2001-2017) - executable - complete header - NRO - NX (Nintendo Switch) Relocatable Object - OFF - OS/360 Object File format [EBCDIC] (1966?) - Tos - GEMDOS Program format [Atari ST] (1985) - Hunk - Amiga Hunk [Commodore AmigaOS] (1985) - TE - Terse Executable [UEFI] (2017?) - Wasm - WebAssembly (2017) ## Images - Bpg - Better/Bellard Portable Graphics (2014) - Png - Portable Network graphics (1996) - Png Plus: a PNG with OLE chunks, by Microsoft Picture It! - Jpeg (JFIF) - Joint Photographic Experts Group - File Interchange Format (1992) - Dicom - Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (1985) - Psd - PhotoShop Document (1990) - Xbm - X BitMap (X11 1989) - Netpbm (1988) - Pgm - Portable Graymap - Ppm - Portable Pixmap - [I]Lbm - Interleaved Bitmap [IFF] (1985) - BMP - Bitmap [Windows 2 (1987)] - v1 - v3 (1991) - v5 (1998) - Gif - Graphics Interchange Format (1987) - v87 - v89, with a comment - TIFF - Tag Image File Format (1986) - little endian - big endian - PCX - Zsoft Picture exchange [DOS] (1982) - 16 colors - 256 colors - TGA/TARGA - TrueVision [Advanced Raster] Graphics Adapter (1984) - ICO - Windows icon (1985) - w/ BMP (1995?) - w/ PNG (2006) - Pif - Portable Image Format (2022) - Qoi - Quite Ok Image (2021) - 1ba - 1-bit animation (2023) ## Videos - Mp4 [ISOBMFF] (2001) - Mkv - Matroska video [EBML] (2002) - Y4M - Yuv4mpeg (2001) - (mono) - (yuv) ## Archives - [Zlib/Deflate/Zip/GZIP?](https://speakerdeck.com/ange/gzip-equals-zip-equals-zlib-equals-deflate) - Gzip - GNU zip (1992) - Ar - Archive (1971) - Tar - Tape archive (1979) - Copy [files] In & out [of archives] (1977) - binary - ASCII - Zip - PkZip (1989) - Crx - Chrome extension (2017) - Lzma - Lempel-Ziv-Markov chain algorithm (1998) - Lzma - with End of Stream marker - 7zip (1999) - Xar (2007) - Xz (2009) - Microsoft Compress (1990) - Cab - Microsoft Cabinet File (Mscf) (1995?) - Rpm - Redhat/RPM Package Manager (1997) - Rar - Roschal Archive (1993) - v1.4 - v4 (1996) - v5 (2013) - Arj - Archived by Robert Jung (1991?) - bz2 - Bzip2 (1996) Wad - Where's all the data? (1993) - (structure) - (in Doom) Zstd - Zstandard (2015) - Zstd - w/ Skippable frame - LZ4 (2011) ## Documents - Eps - Encapsulated PostScript (1987) - Pdf - Portable document format (1992) - RTF - Rich text format (1987) - Microsoft Office - Msi - Microsoft Installer [CFB] - Docm - WordML/WordProcessingML (Microsoft Office XML format) - XML (2002) - ActiveMime - MSO XML Bindata - Docx - Doc XML (Office Open XML) - ZIP+XMLs (2006) Multiplan - Excel: - Sylk - Symbolic link - Multiplan 1 (1984-), Excel 1 (1986-) - Biff - Binary Interchange File Format - v2: v2, 1989 (raw) - v8: 97-2003, 1998-2004 [CFB] - Hlp - WinHelp (1990) - CHM - Compiled HTML help - Info-Tech Storage Format (1997) - One - One Note (2014-) - Wmf - Windows Metafile Format (1992) - Wmf - with Placeable header - Emf - Enhanced Metafile Format (1993) ## Sound - 8svx - 8-bit sample voice [Amiga][Iff] (1985) - AIFF - Audio interchange file format [Apple][Iff] (1988) - AIFF - AIFC / AIFF-C - Compressed (1991) - Wav - Waveform [Riff] (1991) - Rmi - Riff Midi [Riff] - Midi - Musical Instrument Digital Interface ## Metadata - IPTC IIM / International Press Telecommunications Council - Information Interchange Model (1991) - Exif - Exchangeable Image File Format (1995) - XMP - Extensible Metadata Platform (2001) ## Serialization - ASN.1 - Abstract Syntax Notation One (1984) - Bplist - Binary property list (2000) - Protobuf - Protocol buffers (2001) ## Vector Fonts - OTF - OpenType Font Format (1996) - TTF - TrueType Font (1991) - with a Location Table v1 - with a Location Table v2 - Woff - Web Open Font Format (2012) - Woff2 - Web Open Font Format 2.0 (2018) ## Others - Mbr+DPT - Master Boot Record with Disk Partitions Table (1983) - Lnk - Shell link [Windows] (1995?) - Cdix - ClangD Index [Riff] (2018) - Hex records - Intel[lec] Hexadecimal object (1973) - Uf2 - USB Flashing format (2016) ## Opcodes - x64 - x86 ## [Weird files](weird/) ## 101 Dissection with more descriptions, and explanations (my initial style of binary posters). source Inkscape SVGs and PoC with their sources are included [PE 101](pe101/README.md) PE 101 (light) ### Others ELF 101, ZIP 101, Mach-O 101, Class 101, PDF 101, COM 101, Wav 101 ## Structures A layout of the various format's structures PE 102 # Opcodes' tables Available in compact DVM JVM DotNet or 'with descriptions' formats DVM JVM DotNet (full) --- ## Cryptography Jneavat! N qnatrebhf pelcgbtencuvp bowrpg vf urnqvat lbhe jnl.... Crypto modes