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CMYK Tiff 2 PDF for Gimp

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A Python plugin that converts CMYK Tiff images generated with Seperate+ in to a PDF document for prepress. The package "libtiff-tools" or "tiff2pdf" are required. A good addition to the Seperate+ plugin.

Presented by familie redlich :systeme

Download, screenshot and more information at

GIMP Version: 
Code License: 


How can i istall or use Seperate+ in Gimp?

The script file does not contain licensing information, please add this.

A new version is available including license information and bugfixes too :)

I figured out that the required Tiff libraries are available for Windows too: So an update will coming soon that allows you to use "CMYK Tiff 2 PDF" on Windows too.

New version available: * Exporting two images as on PDF * Start Acrobat or Evince after export * Delete CMYK TIff images after PDF creation ...and some bugfixes :)

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Fixed. Thanks for the hint :)
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