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(ask) could somebody tell me anything about CMYK TIFF

I google something about how to open CMYK image in GIMP,
then i found CMYK TIFF, but i dont really understand..
could somebody tell me anything about CMYK TIFF..??

Many Thanks,,


using separate+

i've tried that plug in
August 12, 2012 - 21:04 — sya

i ever downloaded separate +, then install it to my gimp.. but it doesnt work..

when i open cmyk image, there is no any dialog box about separate,,,

what do you think then..??

What do I think.... When you are not sure about a plugin - location or if it is installed & working - use the Gimp Help -> Plugin Browser.

This is Gimp 2.8 & Linux but it is the same for Gimp 2.6

Some screenshots from the top
A cmyk image opened in Gimp It gets converted to RGB, it is just another image.
Alternative import the image using separate+ import plugin. It is in the menu File -> Create
This gets imported as a set of layers corresponding to CMYK

next using the separate+ plugin on a RGB image - the plugin is in the Image menu
You can separate into layers corresponding to the CMYK masks. Use the Proof option to preview and/or use the Export option to save. Both these have similar dialogs and this is where you need some rgb/cmyk profiles.

You will be better off asking questions in a forum such as meet-the-gimp for photgraphy or maybe Scribus if you are more into publishing.

using separate +

i'll try again...
many thanks for your help...


i've tried that plug in

is that depend on what version the gimp i used..??
im using Gimp 2.6 by the way

i've tried that plug in

i ever downloaded separate +, then install it to my gimp.. but it doesnt work..

when i open cmyk image, there is no any dialog box about separate,,,

what do you think then..??

try separate +

It is a shame that no one has answered you on your CMYK queries but it is a big subject.

The CMYK_tiff-2-PDF plugin does what it says, can be a batch process, the file(s) does not have to be open in Gimp. Converts a CMYK tiff to a CMYK PDF. Tried it, it does work.

Gimp works in RGB mode. Commercial printers usually want CMYK files, these fit in with their printing process. Gimp will open a CMYK image file but converts to RGB. To save a RGB as CMYK you need to look at the 'separate+' plugins
There are binaries for MS Windows, if using a Debian linux there are binaries in the gimp-registry-plugins package.

Nothing is ever straight forward, you also need to know about color profiles, look it up on google or wikipedia, also some free files here

There are other applications that do the RGB to CMYK conversion, usually Imagemagick on command line but recently Inkscape has some useful (beta) extensions.

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