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To slice and merge images

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image-slice-and-join.zip3.36 KB

Slices and joins scriptfu is useful when you want to split one image 'file' into smaller 'files', and to recombine it successively. One single image 'file' can be split into unlimited number of files. Image-slice script save on the file imagename.rcm all the data for the reconstruction.

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you can do this by adding guides at numeric incraments (image->guides->new guide) and then going to filters->web->slice. Not as clean or easy, and it doesn't re-assemble them, but oh well.

If nº of rows and columns is higher than 10 many file can be assigned to the same file name.

x= 3 y= 12 => 312
x= 31 y= 2 => 312

This result in overwriting of files.

Fix: at composing the filename (line 184) and a separator, or add the leadding zeros.

PD: Same for related script:

This error is because the output path name is invalid. You need to edit the .scm and replace "\\" with "/".

These are MS Windows path separators and this is assuming the bug arises running linux.

there is no \ character in slice-and-join.scm.

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