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Last update januar 31 2010, added ColorblindTolls subset of 3 scripts, added 7 scripts.

PhotoLab is a set of tools for digital pictures. All scripts are in Python, tested with Gimp-2.6.6 under Linux and Gimp-2.6.7 under Windows XP. Supported language: en,fr.

  • BCSbatch: A batch work to adjust Brightness Contrast Saturation.
  • CurveBatch: A batch work to apply a curve file saved from the curve tool of GIMP. Works for Gimp-2.6 but not for older version.
  • LevelBatch : A batch work to apply a lefel file saved from the level tool of GIMP. Works for Gimp-2.6 but not for older version.
  • FileRename: This basic utility rename et renumber your pictures.
  • FileResize: This basic utility resize your pictures.
  • JpegQuality: This basic utility is a batch work to increase the compression ratio of your JPEG photos.
  • WebGallery: Generate a picture gallery for the Web.
  • WebImageMenu: Generate a picture menu or a one page picture gallery for the Web.
  • DarkEnlight: This utility add to your picture a layer in Softlight mode filled in gray with a mask filled with the Value channel of the picture.
  • GrayPoint: An utility to modify the gray point of your photos.
  • SoftLight: This utility add to your picture a layer in Softlight mode filled in gray.
  • AddBorder: An utility to add a border around a photo.
  • MakeWallpaper: An utility to create one or more wallpapers from a photo.
  • Patchwork: An utility to fill a big size image with a set of 3 or 4 photos.
  • Effect Mirror: The mirror effect of a photo.
  • PhotoDuplicate: This utility fill a sheet of paper of various size with a picture, often a portrait.

PhotoLab-Exiftools is a subset of tools for digital pictures using EXIF datas. t's a separated part of Photolab because one need to install external command line software (JHead and Jpegtran). All scripts are in Python, tested with Gimp-2.6.6 under Linux and Gimp-2.6.7 under Windows XP. Supported language: en,fr.

  • Autorotate : A batch work to rotate automatically your photos.
  • RenameByDate : A batch work to rename your photos by adding as prefix the shouting date.
  • ChangeDate : A batch work to correct the shouting date of your photos.
  • Synchronize_2Cameras : A batch work applying at two sets of photos each taken from an other camera. The photos have been taken at the same time and your wish is to merge them in one single album.
  • AutoSynchronize_2Cameras : works like Synchronize_2Cameras excepted it's not necessary to set manually the date offset between the internal date of the two cameras. Instead you must take two reference photos at the same time with the two cameras.
  • StripExif : A batch work to strip all unnecessary Exif datas from your photos.
  • PhotoLab-ColorblindTools subset of Photolabo for colorblind people. This is my first try and it need probably improvement or new ideas. Feedback from colorblind peoples would be appreciated. This is not a view filter like those who try to simulate colorblindness. This is just a menu entry that add and remove (you'd better associate the menu entry with a keyboard shortcut) a special view of the photo useful for a colorblind. All scripts are in Python, tested with Gimp-2.6.6 under Linux and Gimp-2.6.7 under Windows XP. Supported language: en,fr.

    • ChannelSwitcher : Switch the content of two color channel, blue/green or blue/red.
    • ColoredLayers : Add a layer on top of the image who increase the content of a color channel, blue, green or red.
    • HueVision : Add a layer on top of the image who show the content of the hue channel with vivid (full saturation) colors.
Code License: 
Scripting Engine: 
GIMP Version: 


Thanks for all these plug-ins. I tried BCSbatch using the settings I determined by first using the built-in Brightness-Contrast filter. All I did was changed the contrast. The results I got with BCSbatch are different from those using the Brightness-Contrast filter. This is on a color jpg file with no other filters or layers applied. I had the exact same inconsistent results with the Batch Color Balance and Contrast Script-Fu script. Both of these call the pdb.gimp_brightness_contrast function so I am beginning to think that is the culprit. Does anyone know if there is a bug in this function that causes inconsistent results? Thanks for any help.

Where can we find available languages?

Default is english.

There is only one mo file for french available at the french page :

If you are a translator you can download the last pot at

I dropped the *.mo file into \share\locale\fr\LC_MESSAGES but the translation isn't working. Only the submenu is translated ("Qualité Jpeg", "Redimensionner les images"). Everything else is in English... strange!

Any clue ? Thanks

Windows XP, Gimp 2.6.8

Well sometimes I also have partial translation. The translations of the python plugins does'nt seems to be reseted. In this case I am doing : move the plugins to another folder. Launch Gimp (the plugins are lost for this session). Quit Gimp. Move back the plugins to the plug-ins folder. Launch Gimp again. This is to force a reset of the menu of the plugins.

It didn't work :-(

New version for exif tools, tested successfully under Windows XP

New version and more python scripts for Photolabo.

* Modification of Levelbatch and Curvebatch, now they work with the level and curve GIMP files of Gimp-2.6. Don't work anymore for older versions of Gimp.

* Added colorblind tool subset of Photolabo for colorblind people. This is my first try and it need probably improvement or new ideas. Feedback from colorblind peoples would be appreciated. This is not a view filter like those who try to simulate colorblindness. This is just a menu entry that add and remove (you'd better associate the menu entry with a keyboard shortcut) a special view of the photo useful for a colorblind. There is 3 scripts : Channel switcher, Colored layer and Hue vision.

* Added Strip exif script in Exif tools subset.

* Added JPEG quality script. A batch work to increase the compression ratio.

* Added Gray point. Some kind of gray point but between two colors. It works with channel mixer (linear transformation) or curves.

* Added Add border. Simple border and title script.

* Added Make wallpaper. To create one or many wallpapers for different standard screen resolutions.

* Added Patchwork. Make a patchwork of 3 or 4 photos.

* Added Effect mirror. Simple mirror effect of a photo. Generate one or the four possibilities of mirror effects.

* Exif tools does not work under Windows. I found time to test it but not to make it work yet. Next release probably.

I tried the Add Border in batch mode with 50 value for thickness of border. Interestingly, it reduced the image size while the pixel size was almost same as original. Again, I tried Add Border for a single photo with same settings and then exported using "use quality settings from the original image" setting for exporting. Now, the size was increased quite a bit. Here are the size details:

Original: 3.9 mb, 3028 x 2020 pixels.
Batch Add Border: 1.0 mb, 3128 x 2120 pixels.
Single Pic Add Border: 4.9 mb, 3128 x 2120 pixels.

So, both in batch mode and single pic mode, it is affecting the pic size quite a bit. Any insight on this and how to add border in batch mode without significant increase/decrease in the image size.

i also can't figure out how to install in both Linux (ubuntu) and Windows (xp) For me the problem is not Python, i had several py plugin working well in WIN and obviously in linux is not a issue For other windows user a problem may be figure out that they have also to get this and, i suppose, place in a new folder with your plugins, and then add the link to that new folder using Gimp File/Preferences/folder/plugin But, if i understand well that is not sufficient: i can't figure out how to solve the OTHER dependency, that for jpegtran and not only for win but also for linux That page you quoted in your side (i refer to : ) is really confusing ,full of links for slightly different flavor of the same apps and more or less related SW... i really can't figure out which is the right one! More exactly: 1 which is the right one to install on Ubuntu 2 which the right one to install on Windows could you point me to the correct links , please ?


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