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WebGallery: TypeError: expected a character buffer object

Getting the error below when running Photolab plugin's WebGallery tool. All the resized images are created, then when it is trying to save the index page, this error pops up, and there is no content in the html index.

An error occurred running python-fu-WebGalleryXtns
TypeError: expected a character buffer object
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/tmp/skl/", line 699, in response
dialog.res = run_script(params)
File "/tmp/skl/", line 361, in run_script
return apply(function, params)
File "/Users/elf5/Library/Application Support/Gimp/plug-ins/", line 604, in python_fu_webgallery_xtns
title, footer, metaindex, dirtheme, comments )
File "/Users/elf5/Library/Application Support/Gimp/plug-ins/", line 397, in indexisation
html_text = string.replace( html_text, 'HT_LANG', langhtml )
File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/", line 517, in replace
return s.replace(old, new, maxsplit)
TypeError: expected a character buffer object

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