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Gimp Plugins installers for Win32

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Several Windows users think that installing Gimp plugins under Windows is hard.

As I was playing around with Inno Setup, I randomly chose these plugins, only because I had just a new Windows 32 compilation of them, and I release those first plugin installers without any warranty.

They should work on any Windows version, but I'm waiting for feedbacks.

These are automated Windows installers. Please, do not copy the setup files into your Gimp plug-ins directory!

(Otherwise, the setup file would be executed every time Gimp is launched).

A great benefit of an installer is that it easily installs localization files that several experienced users hardly can locate on Windows.

Another benefit is that you can uninstall everything, even the language files, or update the plugins easily. Please note that:

I didn't create any shortcut in the Start Menu, even for uninstallers. The uninstallers are available through Windows Add/Remove Programs feature. (For geeks: the uninstall executable is placed in c:\Documents and Settings\[user name]\.gimp-2.6\plug-ins\uninst\, so that if you install several plugins, you will see unins000.exe, unins0001.exe... but let Windows care about that. You can use CCleaner uninstall feature: it is faster).

Plugins are located in Documents and Settings\[user name]\.gimp-2.6\plug-ins\ of the system dir. If you want to change this path, Setup allows to do it manually. If you have a previous version of the same plugin in Program Files\GIMP-2.0\lib\gimp\2.0\plug-ins\, you should delete it.

About the plugins:

Wavelet Sharpen and Separate+: New compilations of the latest versions of these great plugins. Nothing really new.

Texturize: New compilation, stripped executable, no longer black frame, fixed French translation (no other language included yet). (For geeks: If you have trouble compiling the sources on Windows, just add: #define HUGE       HUGE_VAL).

I included my Inno Setup iss sources with the installer, named 'Setup.exe' in each ZIP file. For 'normal' users: keep 'Setup.exe', delete the other file. The first version of wavelet-sharpen I uploaded was a wrong one, sorry. It creates a 'Program FilesGimp-2.0' dir in the root dir. I forgot a backslash. Just uninstall or delete this dir.

[2010/6/23] Fixed versions for custom install dirs.

[2010/6/25] Added Wavelet Denoise and Wavelet Decompose.

[2010/6/27] Added Noise Generator.

[2010/7/1] Fixed compatibility issues with 'Documents and Settings' on some systems.

If you experienced some directory problem, just uninstall the previous version, before installing the fixed one.

[2010/07/25] New compilation of Wavelet-Sharpen, as some users reported dll issues with former versions of Gimp (but I was not able to reproduce the error on my computer).

Added fix-ca v3.0.2 by Kriang Lerdsuwanakij. This plugin fixes chromatic aberration caused by imperfect lens.  It works by shifting red and blue components of image pixels in the specified amounts.

(note that I could not get rid of a small display bug that occurs on Windows: at start, preview saturation is set to more than 100 and should be adjusted).

Added Unsharp 2 v0.12 by Peter Heckert: This plugin is no longer developed, but has fine features, and does not override the original Gimp Unsharp mask.

[2010/08/07] Added Gimp Image Register, that allows to align several images like bracketed exposures that may be slightly different in order to make an HDR multi-exposure image. As I have still a Pentium 4, I added a version for my own use, that can be useful to others (compiled with -march=pentium4m -msse2 -mfpmath=sse, should work with other sse2 machines).

[2010/08/10]Fixed gimp-image-reg localization.  Added llibintl-8.dll into Wavelet Sharpen installer, for the plugin seemed to work only with Gimp 2.7.

libintl-8.dll is installed into Gimp bin directory, only if file does not exist. So, if you have already Gimp 2.7, the file will not be overwritten; if you have 2.6, the file is copied into \GIMP-2.0\bin\, along with other Gimp binaries, and will be uninstalled if you remove the plugin. The only predictable, but rather unlikely issue would be if you have Gimp 2.6, then install the plugin, then install Gimp 2.7 into the same directory, the uninstall the plugin: the dll would be removed. I didn't install into the user plug-ins directory, for I feared it would conflict with a newer version of the same dll.

[2010/08/11] Added Gimp Dynamic range Transformer, by Ivan Bezdomniy (with P4 version too).

[2010/08/20] Added Save for Web, by Aurimas Juška, Michael Natterer and Kevin Turner (with P4 version too). As the plugin would not work with my DSLR files:p, I increased the maximum image size. Tell me if it hangs with large files.

[2010/08/23] Added Kaleidoscope; this good old gimp plugin still works. No locale files, but copies fp-kaleidoscope-anim.scm into the right folder.

[2010/11/09] Added Iterative Save. No locale files, very simple installer but useful plugin.

[2010/12/12] Added Resynthesizer, with smart-remove.scm (Heal Selection version, the good one) and smart-enlarge.scm

[2011/07/09] Added Advanced Unsharp Mask (AUMASK) Sharpening v0.8. You'll find in in <Image>/Filters/Enhance. I was able to compile this version thanks to the wise advices of Samj. No locale files yet.

[2011/07/16] Added Elsamuko Temparature plug-in.

2011/07/16] Updated Resynthesizer installer with a conditional install of libintl-8.dll in (programs directory)GIMP-2.0\bin\ if there is none.

GIMP Version: 
Code License: 


I don't suppose there are these for the new 2.8 version, is there?

There is a install pack with all of them in sourceforge and google code but I cannot post the link here because will trigger the spam filter.
Just search for GIMP Extensions.

You can host your install pack by creating a script page along with a link and the file, etc. Not by spamming every entry on the Registry with your links to the Google Code and sourceforge page. Just go to Create content/Script and start from there.

I tried to do that but it also triggered the spam filter. I had already sent a email to Ingo reporting the situation, I'm just waiting for his reply, but in the meanwhile if you could check the problem I would appreciate. Thank you.
P.S.: I will only be able to post information about the install pack and how to get it and not the file it self because is more than 10MB that is the maximum allowed.

Try creating a script page with a link, again.

Thank you.

After installing Resynthesizer I get an error message asking for LIBINTL-8.DLL. Any ideas what it is looking for, where to go and get it, where it should go, and why it did not install correctly?

As libintl-8.dll was in my Gimp bin directory, I did not think including the dll was necessary. But on 2011/07/18 I modified the installer which now includes this dll and installs it into GIMP-2.0\bin\ if not already present.

Already had many of these plugins, but decided to remove my texturize plugin and try your compile. Like it that the stupid DOS Box doesn't pop up anymore when running the filter; thanks for that. I Just wish the plugin wasn't so buggy when trying to create seamless textures on larger targets (not your issue; bugs been there for a long time; not so buggy in Ubuntu but I even had it crash under certain conditions). :)

good idea Francois , very handy expecially for Plugin with a not standard install routine (as gmic the installer you created for Gmic...)
Maybe instead then many separate installers would be possible a single 1 (a bit as the Registry plugins pack offered by Ubuntu Distro ) offering the options to install all the plugin or just some selected ?

about other plugin i will suggest Resynthesyzer (not so hard to install manually ,except most fail to find the right version and to match the plugin with the updated related scripts..that obviouvsly being scripts has to be installed not in the plugin but in a script folder ,confusing even more the users)

In case you would go for Resynthesizer i would remind my old suggestion : slightly change its registration path (from Filter/Map/Resinthesyzer to Filter/Map/Resinthesyzer/Resinthesyzer so all the Resinthesizer-related scripts could be easily arranged to be listed in the same submenu (as Filter/Map/Resinthesyzer/Heal Selection,Filter/Map/Resinthesyzer/Smart remove etc) instead then scattered as now each in the most different different menu locations

but i mostly hope for a mathmap installer..last windows alpha seems sufficent stable on windows


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