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Isometric Tile and Template

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This script-fu creates an isometric tile in your patterns and a template from it.

You can find ""00 - Isometric Tile and Template"" in File>Create>Patterns or in Filters>2D Isometric-Fu>


GIMP Version: 
Scripting Engine: 


Since GIMP 2.4, 'aset' is no longer needed to specify the elements of an array. Its usage is best avoided in newly written scripts.

The following code ...

  (aset draw-in-pencil 0 vara)

  (aset draw-in-pencil 1 num-of-row)

  (aset draw-in-pencil 2 varb)

  (aset draw-in-pencil 3 num-of-row)

...can be replaced by...

  (set! draw-in-pencil (vector vara num-of-row varb num-of-row))

I expected a purist^^ tells me that about 'aset'.
I saw this too late when the script was already terminated.
There was also the fact that it was one of my first scripts and there is less example of script-fu on vectors.

It works for npw with Gimp 2.6 but maybe it will not in one of next version.
I'll rewrite it then.

Since I don't know how to upload images in here, here's a link to one I colored using the script.

Giving your tags a try.

Woo Hoo! Works.



Cool! I did not think at all that someone would use this script to draw an Arlequin O.o

I try to see if my scripts are compatible with 2.8 and I had a surprise: Looks like the refresh of a pattern is not taken into account immediately in version 2.8.
However, the line "(gimp-patterns-refresh)" is present in the script and it worked with 2.6. If I remove the pattern and I run the script, it creates the new pattern, but if it already exists and I change the colors for example, it should update it soon.
Even manually, the refresh does not work.

So, I must restart Gimp for the pattern is taken into account. I have an old PC with Windows XP.

Any idea what is wrong?

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