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2 Strip Technicolor

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two-strip-technicolor.scm2.44 KB

This is a script-fu of the process as described by at: two strip technicolor

I didn't create the process, I just wrote the script that does everything described in the tutorial!

More info on the process here:

When installed, this should show up under 

Colors → Two-strip Technicolor...

Apparently I can't figure out how to upload files... :) Sorry about that all - fixed with a script.

Also, there are (in my opinion) better results than this script by elsamuko here:
Technicolor 2 Color Script
Technicolor 3 Color Script

This was done mostly as a quick exercise for myself (but it does follow the process on the page exactly).

Code License: 
GIMP Version: 
Scripting Engine: 


Both 2 channel and 3 channel technicolor scripts have already been posted here in the past. :)

2 color:

3 color:

Thanks Lylejk.

Link to download the script, please?

Very cool effect, and only one question. Where can I download the script?

Nice, I look forward to trying it out!

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