Based on Tone mapping script. If you want to see some examples of what my script does, please read my blog post about the Advanced Tone Mapping script.
There are four parameters for Advanced Tone Mapping script: Gaussian blur, Opacity of blurred layer, Opacity of Merged layer, Copies of merged layer:
- Gauss. Blur (% of img size) — is the amount saying how much the blurring should be used for the tone mapping. It is in percents of image size (where image size = (width+height)/2). Ten is a good default, but different values might be interesting too.
- Opacity of blurred layer — this is the 75 default, which can be changed if you want stronger or weaker effect.
- Opacity of merged layer — the default is 90. If 100 is not enough, consider increasing number of “copies of merged layer”.
- Copies of merged layer — when one, it’s barely noticeable, you can deny any accusations of postprocessing easily. :) Three has a lot of “halo effect” and anything above five will completely mess all colours up.
Opinions and suggestions for improvement are welcome!
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