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wrf-news list

wrf-users list

Becoming a registered user

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Becoming a registered WRF user

Upon subscribing to the wrf-news email list, you become a registered WRF user. Registered users will receive emails from wrfhelp about WRF development, new releases, updates, bug fixes, and user meeting announcements. For registration purpose, we recommend that you use a permanant email address (such as an email from your workplace). We use the email lists only for the purposes stated above.

There are two ways to register. The first is upon downloading the WRF software, when you are asked to provide brief information, including your email address. Your email address may then be used to subscribe you to the wrf-news email list. When the manager of this email list receives your subscription, you will be sent an email, to which you must reply to confirm the subscription.

The second way to register is to visit the wrf-news page directly. Follow the instructions on the page. Again, you will receive an email upon submiting the request, and you must reply to the confirmation email to complete the subscription process.

You may also want to subscribe to the wrf-users list. This list provides a forum for users to exchange emals pertaining to WRF.