WRFDA community support

Frequently asked questions

Known problems and solutions

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"wrfhelp" is an email assistance service to provide user support for WRF- and WRFDA-related products. The address for this service is:


When should I contact WRFHELP?

We are happy to answer any of the following queries:

  • Problems downloading, compiling, or running the WRFDA code or supported utilities (such as GEN_BE and OBSPROC)
  • Questions about current WRFDA capabilities
  • Requests for future WRFDA features and capabilities

Due to limited funding, we are not able to promise full support for all portions of the code, but we will help as much as possible.

How to report a problem

If you would like to report a problem, you may send an email to wrfhelp@ucar.edu, making use of the subject line to indicate the issue. If you have received an error message in attempting to compile or run the system software, please include it in the email.

To receive a prompt response, you should include any relevant namelists, log files, or error files as attachments to your email. We usually can not determine the source of the problem just from the error message alone!

We will respond to most queries within two business days, but occasionally we can be backed up due to a high number of help requests. In addition, some more difficult issues may take a week or more to resolve (we will attempt to let you know if there are any delays). If you do not receive a response within a week, feel free to re-send your email, as occasionally things do get lost!