WRFDA community support

Frequently asked questions

Known problems and solutions

System requirements

About wrfhelp

wrf-news list

wrf-users list

Becoming a registered user

WRF Workshop

WRFDA Tutorials

Users' Guide





"wrf-news" is an email list for communicating with WRF and WRFDA users. Emails will be sent to this list for new WRF releases, updates, bug fixes, and user meeting announcements.

When you download the WRFDA software, you are asked to provide some information, including your email address: that email address is used to subscribe you to wrf-news if you check the relevant box. When your subscription information has been received, an email will be sent to you to confirm the subscription. One may access emails posted to the list with a password.

You may also consider subscribing to the "wrf-users" list.