WRFDA community support

Frequently asked questions

Known problems and solutions

System requirements

About wrfhelp

wrf-news list

wrf-users list

Becoming a registered user

WRF Workshop

WRFDA Tutorials

Users' Guide




WRFDA User Support

General WRF data assimilation system support is provided by the WRFDA group of the Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorology (MMM) Laboratory of NCAR. The area of support includes:

  • Maintaining the released WRFDA code and its documentation, including the Users' Guide.
  • Answering user questions regarding the WRFDA system via wrfhelp.
  • Notifying users on the wrf-news mailing list about updates and bug fixes
  • Offering WRFDA tutorial classes
  • Organizing the annual users' workshop

If You Have Questions...

If you encounter a problem installing or running WRFDA, please read through the known problems and solutions. If your specific problem is not listed there, or if you have general questions regarding any aspect of the WRFDA system, contact wrfhelp.

You may also find useful information at the WRF User Forum, which is currently maintained by Matt Alonso at meso.com. It provides a venue for users to exchange experiences and help.